12 October



Today's Headlines:

Is Russia hacking the US election?

The end of Samsung's Galaxy Note 7

The zoo where chimps 'learn to be chimps'


US intelligence officials have accused Russia of trying to influence the outcome of the US presidential election by carrying out cyber-attacks to destabilise the political system. Concern about Russia's increasingly aggressive use of cyberspace has also been growing in the European Union - especially after a French television channel was taken off air last year.

Samsung broke new ground with the Note, proving there was an appetite for much bigger phones and it hoped this latest version would be the best selling yet. Now though, it's clear that the Note 7 isn't coming back and the company must concentrate on limiting the damage to its whole brand.  We want more and more from our phones but as Samsung has found to its cost, the one thing we demand above all others is that they are safe.

The chimps at Twycross Zoo are huge favourite with visitors but the zoo itself is doing a massive amount of work to make life here for the chimps as happy and as natural as possible. Researchers from the University of Birmingham have created a computer programme that compares the movement of these chimps to those in the wild and then suggests changes to the chimp enclosure that would nudge these chimps into a more natural form of behaviour.   

Words and definitions:

make a political or economic system less safe or reliable

demand or interest

limiting the damage
reducing the negative effects

gently encourage


Use one of the words or phrases from Lingohack to complete each of these sentences. Note that you may have to change the form of a word or phrase to complete the sentence correctly.

destabilise / appetite / limiting the damage / nudge

1. A national campaign to encourage more people to give blood hopes to  _________   people to sign up to donate.

2. The growing ________ for Japanese-style premium raw fish in China has meant good business for Scotland's salmon fishing farmers.

3. US and British regulators have agreed a common approach to _________ for customers and taxpayers that is caused when a giant bank gets into difficulties.

4. It's feared the civil war could _________ the whole region.


1. A national campaign to encourage more people to give blood hopes to nudge people to sign up to donate.

2. The growing appetite for Japanese-style premium raw fish in China has meant good business for Scotland's salmon fishing farmers.

3. US and British regulators have agreed a common approach to limiting the damage for customers and taxpayers that is caused when a giant bank gets into difficulties.

4. It's feared the civil war could destabilise the whole region.